Shoppers Drapes & Blinds - Franchise

Quick Summary

Invest in the Life You Want! The global window covering market size is valued at around $13.68* billion, and it’s expected to leap another $6+ billion in the coming years. All in all, the growth rate is expected to continue at a rate of 4.82%! The team at Shoppers Drapes & Blinds has mastered this lucrative market over the past 9 years, dialing in everything from operational procedures to window treatment suppliers. The result? A profitable, simple-to-run business ready to grow!

Shoppers Drapes & Blinds
Business Cost, Fees & Facts for 2024

Minimum Cash Required $50,000
Total Investment $108,800 - $208,000
Franchise Fee $45,000

Available In These States:

We are currently accepting inquiries in these states:
  • FL
  • Overview


Shoppers Drapes & Blinds - Franchise

Seize the opportunity to embark on a successful entrepreneurial journey with our thriving franchise.

Since 2015, Shoppers Drapes & Blinds has firmly established its presence in southeast Florida, seeing year-after-year growth and increased demand along the way. As a franchisee, you will provide complimentary in-home consultations conducted by window treatment specialists, along with professional measurements and installations. Every franchise partner also has a physical storefront that includes an attractive, customizable array of window treatment products. Our team connects you with the industry’s best, most cost effective suppliers for your storefront, giving you stronger profit margins and quicker paths to profitability!

Benefits of Owning a Shoppers Drapes & Blinds Franchise:

  • Mon-Sat 9-5 hours, Sundays optional
  • Exclusive Territories with approximately 500,000 in population
  • High profit margins
  • No Inventory
  • 3 week initial training
  • Continuous support
  • Paperless business (CRM in place)
  • Brick & Mortar Showrooms

First Class Training and Support

Our franchise partners are one of our top priorities. As such, we provide an impressive array of support offerings to ensure your territory is off to a strong start and will continue to thrive.

  • Initial and Ongoing Training:
    Your relationship with Shoppers Drapes & Blinds begins with training at our corporate locations. We will then train you within your storefront once operations commence. Annual refresher training is also available!
  • Operational Support for Your Territory:
    Our operational support is tailored to help your business run smoothly and keep your questions answered. From administrative procedures to detailed customer service techniques, our team is here for your questions.
  • Strong Marketing Tools:
    Our team will provide proven marketing strategies, stunning collateral designs, and easy-to-follow consumer marketing plans for use within your respective territory.
  • Ongoing Research and Development:
    Our team has worked hard to build Shoppers Drapes & Blinds into the success that it is and will continue to do so. Our leadership team will continue to research methods and techniques for enhanced profitability.

Begin a business with our knowledge, software tools, proven model, and first class support at your side. Inquire today and the journey to your Shoppers Drapes & Blinds today.

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